Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Assignment 2

1. Why do you think evaluation of CALL courseware, websites, materials etc important?

  • I think it is important for CALL coursewares, websites, materials etc to be evaluated because every material used for teaching language (especially second language) needs to fit the learners' needs and also their level of proficiency. Materials chosen should create opportunities for learners to learn, not the other way around in which will happen if we just simply choose any material to be brought into the classroom. Students will feel demotivated and lost interest if they found that the materials are too difficult or too easy or too boring or it's hard for them to use the materials.
2. How do you think Hot Potatoes JCloze may help your students learn English?

  • Hot Potatoes JCloze provides students with excitement and fun in completing the English exercises. This application allows us to provide clues for the students so that they would not feel frustrated or demotivated if they could not find the answer. It also can provide immediate feedback for the students for their motivation. We can make the page interesting by adjusting the font, the colours, put up some pictures etc. This will attract the students to try the exercises.


Izaham Shah Ismail said...

Perhaps you can change the color of the font. It's difficult to read when both the background and the font colors are light.

Norshazrina Sabri said...

ok,sir.. changed it! :)