Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Assignment 2

1. Why do you think evaluation of CALL courseware, websites, materials etc important?

  • I think it is important for CALL coursewares, websites, materials etc to be evaluated because every material used for teaching language (especially second language) needs to fit the learners' needs and also their level of proficiency. Materials chosen should create opportunities for learners to learn, not the other way around in which will happen if we just simply choose any material to be brought into the classroom. Students will feel demotivated and lost interest if they found that the materials are too difficult or too easy or too boring or it's hard for them to use the materials.
2. How do you think Hot Potatoes JCloze may help your students learn English?

  • Hot Potatoes JCloze provides students with excitement and fun in completing the English exercises. This application allows us to provide clues for the students so that they would not feel frustrated or demotivated if they could not find the answer. It also can provide immediate feedback for the students for their motivation. We can make the page interesting by adjusting the font, the colours, put up some pictures etc. This will attract the students to try the exercises.

Thursday, 14 January 2010

I have created a grammar worksheet in which it tests the students understanding on the singular and plural forms. This exercise is suitable for lower secondary school especially form 1 students. I decided on doing this because I noticed that during my practicum, my students were always confused with these two forms. So I hope this kind of exercise will help them improve their English.

Monday, 4 January 2010



Hi! I'm new here so let's see stuffs about me...

I'm Norshazrina Sabri (Arin) and i'm doing my degree in TESL at UiTM Shah Alam. Actually this is my first time creating my own blog (which i never thought i would). I used to think that blogging are just for people who like to share their thoughts and and their moments of life with others, but now i know that blogging are more than just that. Lots of creative people make their blogs useful for others to learn from. Some provides information that go with people from all walks of life. I created this blog because i would like to be one of them (hopefully..huhu..)

When it comes to computer skill, i have to admit that i'm a novice. it's not that i know nothing about computer but i still have lots and lots of things to learn. i like to improve my computer skill because i know that i have to catch up with this fast-developed world. Since that i'll share my knowledge with school students afterwards (i think), i also need to know more than they do.

i do know some simple softwares like powerpoint, words, adobe (those that i really need to use). just the basic ones because i did not really interested with technologies before. And i know some of the basic hardwares too. experience learning via the computer? maybe during my first semester in degree program but i can't remember much.

my practicum was one of the unforgettable moments in my life even though i never had a chance to incorporate technologies in my teaching. it's not that the school does not have any, but it was limited. everytime i tried to book for the laptop and the projector, it always full. Alhamdulillah the teaching process still went well even without the technologies. i have to admit that i needed to provide lots of materials from different sources to make sure that my lessons are interesting. i don't deny that with technologies, there are lots more of fun activites can be done. i agree with the facts that students will be more fascinated with what technologies can do. so they will be interested and they can pay more attention to the lesson.

my expectation from this course..emm.. i hope i will be able to catch up with every lesson taught and i hope to learn more new things. i know that this is going to be quite hard for me but i'll try my best to do my best in this course.